Sunday, March 20, 2011

I Heart Crocheting!

Some people think I'm growing old too quickly because I've picked up this new hobby of mine -- crocheting.  You can think what you want, but I'm loving it so far!  I've been trying to find a hobby for me being a stay-at-home mom that doesn't take a lot of money but still can be practical and useful, and I came across crocheting after my cousin's wife showed me a baby beanie hat that she had made for her niece for Christmas.  ADORABLE!  It even had these cute little bows you could switch out for different outfits.  So, I set out to learn how to crochet!  I will say, I was really (a little too much probably) optimistic in the beginning that I would just pick up this art like a pro but found it to be really frustrating instead.  But, I continued working at it and I'm slowly improving.  I've made a scarf, a baby blanket (which isn't perfect at all, but for my first attempt, I'm pleased with myself), and this new little creation:

It is supposed to be a cell phone holder, but it can probably be a whatever-kind-of holder you want it to be. If you make it longer, it can be a holder for your glasses.  And it was really easy!  If anyone is a crocheter out there, all you do is make a "scarf-like" piece about 10 inches or so long, then fold it over and sew up the sides (of course, you have to make the button hole as well).  The hard part for me was the sewing up the sides, which is probably not professional looking at all, so I'll have to work on perfecting that.  But for my first project other than just a blanket/scarf, I'm happy with it!  I love this hobby because it gets me away from the computer, technology, and just doing something that has been done for centuries.  Now, to my next project... 

~ Shawna


  1. I love it and am proud of you for starting this new hobby. :)

  2. I don't think crocheting makes you old at all! I think that anyone who says that has never been a stay-at-home mama! ;) That's so cute!

  3. Oh Shawna, I'm glad to see you enjoying this hobby. I'm under the impression you can make almost anything with crochet. I have seen even bathing suits made out of crochet, not a good idea, unless your on a nude beach.

  4. By the way "anonymous" is Darla Hassell, cause i don't have a clue how to blog on here.

  5. Cute! I like it. I'm very impressed with your abilities! :)

  6. I think it's great you've taken up crocheting, Shawna. This little cell phone holder is so cute. Good job.


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