Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Well, we have pretty much abandoned this blog as life happened, but I (Jennifer) am back, at least for this post.  We'll see if I keep it up.  ;)

My oldest is in Kindergarten this year, and when she was 2 years old, the idea of homeschooling popped into my head.  I rejected the idea for the most part, and don't even know why it came to mind.  Well, clearly it was the Lord.  Even as I rejected it, I was drawn to the idea and was curious about it.  However, my oldest was only two at the time, so, that wasn't a pressing issue!

Over the next couple of years I toyed with the idea.  I eventually got to where I planned on it, and then I decided against it, and then, I planned on it once again.

So, here we are.  Homeschooling.

I'm not interested in going into our reasons for doing homeschooling in this post.  It's a personal decision for every family, and one that should be God-lead.  This is what we feel is best for our family at this time.  :)

If you don't homeschool, then this is likely boring for you to read, but if you do, well, it still may be boring to read, ha!  However, I really enjoy reading other homeschooling blogs, especially as I research curriculum.  So, perhaps this will help somebody in some way down the road.

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